I'll start with Wednesday. We took Declan in for his first well baby visit. Everything looked good and we weighed him and such. He weighed in at a whopping 11.6! My oh my! And, the midwife told us that she was sure that he weighed in at 10.12, not 10.11. Does an extra ounce really count??? It does if you consider that they-the "they" in this instance being the American Pediatric Association-expect that babies should RETURN to their birth weight at THREE weeks!!!!

Thursday Grandpa and Grandma got here. The first night we got to go and visit Marc at work and show off the new baby to all and get my burger craving taken care of. I ate so well during the pregnancy that a burger and fries was a guilty pleasure, and I never knew how well it would go down...

Friday morning Marc made a fantastic breakfast that I am still thinking about! He makes the best guacamole! We then went to a birthday party for one of Finn's mates that was a lot of fun! The weather was perfect for hanging out in the backyard and we got to see alot of our school buddies. Man, I miss those parents! I am happy that we will get to see some of them over the summer.
After the party, we headed almost straight to the theater to see Cars. Dad let me drive, (insert evil laugh) and I think I didn't scare him too bad except for my sing-a-long with Neil Diamond and Cracklin' Rosie. Does he not realize how much I love that song.... and can anyone answer for me what a store bought woman really is? Back to Cars, it is a good summer flick. One review I read stated that Pixar could make a movie about dust and it would be fantastic, I think that is true if the movies don't get too Disneyized now with the great Lasseter marriage.

Saturday was Finn's belated birthday party. Since he had been so sick during his actual birthday he was very excited. In the morning, he got to play a game of LIFE with his Grandpa. Then off to the park to mark our territory. It was supposed to be super hot, but at the park the temperature stayed nice and cool, thanks to some well placed shade and a kind breeze.

It was a great time. Uncle Steve and Amanda came as well as Aunt Pat and Cousin Angie with her new baby Alix. Our neighbors Kate and Will-Max the Wonder Dog's foster parents-made the scene, too. And that was just the parental friends. We had a pretty good turnout given the short notice and the birthday tea party of another of his school friends. It was a nice, low-key event, with the kids playing on the play structure and the big folk just hanging out and chatting. He scored some cool gifts, which I know helped his psyche...the sweet little guy LOVES his baby brother, don't get me wrong. But he has also expressed that he is just a "little nervous" about him, as well. He has been our one and only "bug" for six years, and it is only natural for him to feel slighted by the attention required by and paid to a new baby. But he has such a big heart and a strong sense of self that I know he will come through it all well.

We spent the rest of the weekend figuring out how to keep cool and sleeping most of the time.
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