Memorial Day is for Memories, Right?

What a day this has been!!!!!!
First, a little background. On Sat. the 20th our little man Finn was feeling a bit peaked, and Kim-with that sense of smell that only mothers can develop-took one wiff of his breath and announced that we would be calling on the family physician as he had a case of strep. So one trip to the M.D. and a bottle of antibiotics later, we find ourselves on Sat. last with no noticeble change for the better. We ring up the on-call Doc and he switches his scrip to a stronger version. Last night was a hard one on him...throat swollen to the point of not really being able to breathe comfortably...still taking liquids o.k., but not much of an appetite.
So this morning (after Kim being up all night with contractions and feeling a touch GRUMPY), we call up the Doc again, and wind up going to urgent-care, where they promptly refer us to the ER at Emmanuel. They take a look at the boy and next thing we know we are all set up for an emergency toncillectomy!!!
All goes extremely well, and we are now back at home. I must give props to the great staff at the Children's Hospital down there...they were to a person terrific, and made what was a stressful situation most bearable.
But wait, there's more! Finn's Gramma and Grandad were driving his cousins Gabriel and Matthew back up to Washington after a weekend visit when Kim called them with the news of our holiday adventure. They dropped off the boys and were on their way back, with plans to stop off and visit Finn at the hospital, when Gramma-leaving a restaurant where they had stopped for a bite to eat-trips and fractures her foot. This would be the second foot injury in the last six months and the fifth or sixth over all!!!
I don't know what it is, but this is not an isolated incident. Kim had her appendix burst on Easter a few years back. Her little sister walked thru a sliding glass door on the 4th of July when she was younger...
Does this family know how to PARTY on the holidays or WHAT?
hmmm a "touch" grumpy? my heavens i cant bellieve your beautiful wife had the in her.. Poor Finn, sigh geeezzz Marc, Im not sure if Finn is yours, there's no resemblence...none :-)
holy cow i thought i could edit that befor it posted it..sheesh pardon the speeling..heehee spelling :-)
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