And Now for Something Completely Different...

It was a fairly normal Tuesday-as normal as you can get after such an exciting holiday-with Finn seeming to be on a normal post-surgical recovery path (notice the recurrent use of the word "normal"? Filled with a sense of impending dread yet?).
After a pretty good day he conked out around 4:00 or so. Tried to wake him for dinner to no avail. Woke up around 6:30 in the morning, gave him his antibiotics which promptly came right back up. His temp read 103.8 so we called our Doc and brought him in. He took some blood and sent us right back to the ER at Emanuel. Poor guy was super dehydrated so they hooked him up to an IV-to which he responded," I've been poked too much already!"-and gave him some morphine to help with his discomfort. They took another CT scan to check if his nodes in his throat had abscessed. Fortunately, that came back with an "all clear", but in the course of all this poking and prodding it was discovered that our little man had MONO!!!!!!!
The upshot of all this is that Finn is FINALLY recovering well, though recovery from mono can be a fairly long process. It should be said that it was never our intention that this would evolve into Finn's Medical Blog...who knew? So I am confident that future postings will contain matters not so focused on the health of our fine young son. As a matter of fact, I have some ranting and raving to get off my chest concerning certain elements and personages of pop culture...but that's another time...
MLC sends their best even though they cannot get it organized to make and send cards :O)
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