Being home this summer has made me realize how much I love our neighborhood. Every year I feel that we use Peninsula Park more and more. Each year it has been for a different thing. Last couple of years Finn had some cool classes, but this year, it has been great for just getting out and playing. Right now the park is so beautiful. The roses are in full bloom, the fountain is on and kids and adults get in and just play. When we moved here, we didn't realize how much we would end up using this park, and low and behold, in the summer and fall and odd nice days I find us heading over. The school next door to our house is building a play structure. It will be neat and nice and hopefully help build some community within the neighborhood, but I hope we still make it over to Peninsula.

Marc had an afternoon off today, and we were all finally feeling well at the same time. We were hungry, wanted to get out of the house, and I did not want one more meal from New Seasons so after much debate we decided to go check out Pho Jasmine. We tried it years ago and we were disappointed. Then recently I read a favorable review in the Sentinel so we decided to give it another go. After Than Thao left we have been pho-less in our neighborhood and that has made us sad. I also think that we had alterior motives as well- I wanted Marc to peek into the Florida Room, and he wanted to see the changes going on at the Chapel of the Chimes. But really we were hungry and wanted to walk in our 'hood, as the weather today was perfect.

We took a nice route, Finn of course is always a half a block behind. Even if we slow down for him, he slows down even more. I know it is because he is always checking things out, I forget how amazing the world is half of the time. I am glad he is here to remind me how cool the trees and ants can be. We even ran into our friend Vickie of
Mini-Mart a la Carte fame. So nice to meet up with our neighbors.
Lunch was fantastic. Marc and I both had the bun, and Finn had pho.

The broth there is so good. We were both pleasantly surprised. It was about 7 bucks, I highly recommend the place. The lady who waited on us was so nice. I am happy we went back and gave the place another shot. We will definetly be going back (Also, we are suckers for anyone who oogles over our absolutely perfect baby)!
Before I finish this post I also want to recommend The Florida Room to anyone and everyone. I went in on Tuesday night after the kitchen closed so I can't say too much about the food, but I did get a chance to try their chips and salsa. I do believe that it was the best salsa I have ever had. The jukebox was awesome and the menu looks yummy. The atmosphere is great and I hear rumors that their patio is pretty cool. Best of all it is within walking distance of our house. It was opened by some ex Mcmenamins employees- crazy enough with a Mcmenamins going in right across the street. I would love it if this place sticks around so we have someplace our speed to visit, and also, how can you go wrong with deep fried avocados.
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