Thursday, April 19, 2007

poor finn

last night at about four i was awakened by finn asking to go to the er because his ear hurt. i of course, being sleepy, deferred the situation to marc, who, also being sleepy, defered the situation back to me. we quickly snapped awake and checked in on the little man. he complained of pain, which for finn is a huge deal. he never complains about anything when it hurts. i went through my mom medical rolodex of dangerous things that would need a trip to the er, but no flags went up so we soothed the boys back to sleep and tag teamed it for the rest of the night. at 6 finn woke me up again saying that he was still in pain, but quickly went back to sleep.

i woke up late for work, quickly called in to tell them i would be late, and then let the boys sleep a little longer savoring the brief quiet with a cup of coffee. as soon as 8:30 rolled around, i called into the doctors and scheduled an appointment. the results of the sleepless night: a perforated ear drum and a good ear infection. who knew? last night finn was playing with his brother like a champ before bedtime.

finn has not been up for anything today. i even tried to gage how well he felt by asking if he wanted to go for a ride on the tram after devouring a dinner of burgerville. i got only a faint response. that is how i know he really isn't up for it even if he tells me that his body is feeling better. poor guy. the day was filled with snuggles and hugs when declan wasn't trying to attack us with his newfound body power.

Friday, April 13, 2007

big boys

the boys have been getting so big. i cried the other day on our way home from the beach because i realized that i no longer had a baby. declan is still smaller, but he is not a baby anymore. he is a man on the move. he wants to walk so bad, and is so determined to do whatever he wants. i like to call him my stinker, and it reminds me of a gas station chain in idaho, stinker stations. it surprises me they are still around, their logo used to be a little bit more old school, it has always confused me that people would think a skunk would sell gas. who knew?

about three weekends ago we went down to the coast to help the mundo crew open up their new place. it is beautiful and the love they put into it is inspiring.

marc worked his patutty off, and i watched the kids. sunday morning i got a chance to work, which i was itching to do, and marc got to take care of the kids. marc took them down to the beach because it was crazy beautiful. i guess i missed a sight. declan, no surprise here, really likes sand. when they came back, we had to literally hose him down because he had sand EVERYWHERE! the winking of the eyes is one of his new tricks.

as some of you may know, finn has been sporting a mohawk for awhile. he really likes it, but does not like it when people notice it and comment on it. he gets really confused and does not understand why it is such a big deal. i try to explain to him that not a lot of kids his age sport mohawks on a regular basis, and still, he gets blank. he doesn't like wearing it up much because people say even more then. i find it funny how he gets a little annoyed.

i want to thank all of you who contributed to finn's summer camp fund and his run for the arts fund. both were successful ventures. finn cannot wait to go to camp this summer. tomorrow was an open house at the camp, and after marc being away for almost a week helping take care of his grandma, we can't event think about getting in the car and going somewhere. and, on top of it, it will be raining hard. but, he is signed up, and he can't wait. and for run for the arts, he ran 2 miles in 30 minutes. yay! what a rock star.

oh, and speaking of rock stars. mark down june 2nd on your calendar. we will be hosting the minor thirds new record release party. hopefully it is sunny or else we will have to figure out a way to stick everyone outside in the rain, our house is not big enough for the band....

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