valentines day and beyond...
But Valentine's day was a blast. The night before, Finn made all of his Valentine's for school, Declan even got in on the fun.
He is crawling like mad. We spent this weekend baby proofing the house. We did a major mop and clean and readjusting things. I have forgotten that the toys get everywhere! Finn is great helping pick up after his brother. Today Declan was pushing a chair around and walking with it. He is waving goodbye and tonight finally used the sign for all done (yeah!). He eats like a champion. We have had some issue with soy products and him. I am really sad because I think tofu is a fantastic baby food, and edamame is one of my favorite snacks to have around the house. But his poor belly does not like them at all. Maybe later he will grow out of it.
Finn recently figured out how to use the video aspect of our camera. As soon as I figure out how to download the videos from our new camera, I will post one of his new videos. They are not oscar material, but I find them funny as all hell. He likes to narrate his thoughts and actions.
We met up with our friend Joey from Newport for a wild ride and some serious dirty boy hanging out, and ended the night with Alisha and a cover band. It is great hanging out with our friends and a night without the kids. I got our dessert (and Alisha's breakfast) on the way home via Voodoo Doughnuts. Marc enjoyed waiting in the car while I plowed through the line and because he got to hear Hells Belles at Dantes for a good ten minutes from outside the club. Worthy of a Valentine's day!
Labels: date, food, funny, kids, valentines day