Monday, July 31, 2006

Is summer almost over?

Tomorrow is August 1st. Wow, I almost think that this summer has been spent inside way too much... Finn spread his infectious pneumonia to me, Mom, so now summer has officially been an inside gig. But wait, I have two weeks left before going back to work, and we are all on the healthy upswing sooo, let the games begin! I hope to tire the family out in the next few weeks!

But we haven't spent the last few weeks just hanging around the house watching tv and getting well. We have taken in a party or two, Marc had a low key birthday, and we finally saw Pirates of the Caribbean. Finn was stoked to finally see this movie, and I hope Grandma Rox enjoyed watching our newest addition. The biggest revelation at the theater... free refills on the soda and popcorn. My thoughts on this: if one human being, or even two, drink all of that soda and then want more, they should really think things over.

Finn has been practicing skateboarding and impressed the boogle out of me yesterday. I had no idea he was getting so good. I had never seen him actually ride his skateboard but yet, there he was. Let's hear it for the boy, I say, I am a proud momma!
Finn also had a sleepover at his friend Kael's house last night and came home covered in sand from Sauvie Island. He had such a great time! He fell fast asleep before 9. Declan was still up and rocking!

Declan is such a happy go lucky baby. He is a cuddler. I am so blessed that the first few months together have had very few difficulties. Tomorrow is his 7 week birthday. Declan is smiling and cooing and holding his head up strong. He is starting to sleep through the night a bit, which I am happy about. Marc has been great making sure that I get enough sleep and taking Declan in the morning before he has to head to work. I appreciate that on my road to wellness. We started seeing Rae Anns' Chiropractor last week and I noticed a difference in him immediately. Thanks Rae Ann for the recommendation, the whole family appreciates the marked change!

Hmm, summer. The weather is supposed to be beautiful this week and I can't wait! I forsee berry picking on Sauvie Island, a house party, and hopefully another trip to the coast to see the Mundo crew!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Finn Rocks Out!

much thanks to chris for making this happen, and to steve for thinking it would be a good idea to pick up the camera!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Feel Good...I Feel Better Than James Brown!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Road Trip to Independence...

Or How We Spent Our 4th of July.

It has been a while since our last post...sorry 'bout that, still settling in to the new routine.

We hit the road Monday morning, July 3rd, headed for Newport. It seems to be a tradition of sorts for us to return to that cool coastal village when our new babies are about three weeks old-we did it with Finn at that age. It is also becoming a July 4th tradition, as we went last year and had a blast.

We hit town about 5:30 or so. Our friends Laurie and Greg, owners of the coolest restaurant on the coast-Cafe Mundo-and their family were hanging out at the cafe, which is undergoing an incredible remodel. Prior to the start of the project, the space was entirely outdoors (with covered areas and woodstoves). The new plan has a sweet two story structure with 900 sq. ft. of dining space upstairs, lots of windows, amazing redwood doors constructed from wood washed up on the beach, a stage...just way too much cool stuff to describe here...besides, this is about our trip.

The really cool thing about Greg and Laurie-and about Newport, as far as that goes-is that no matter how long has passed between our visits it seems as though we never miss a beat, as if we had never left (Ed. note: never try to blog during the World Cup final...too distracting!!!!). So we sat right down and let everybody oooh and aaaah over Declan as we got caught up with the gang. A big pizza feed ensued, and Kim got to experience freedom as many sets of hands were more than willing to hold the little man.
It is so amazing the way that sweet little babies can melt folks hearts!!!

Yes, indeed...the little man was a smash hit!

After a good nights rest we woke up ready to celebrate the Forth in style. Our friend laurie is an incredible chef, so she and I teamed up to have a BBQ feast for all the poor souls who are so in need of a Mundo fix.

We went all out, with four different kinds of kabobs, burgers, sausages, chicken, name it, we grilled it...
As you can see, I think they liked it...

Once the feasting was done, we headed up to a prime spot overlooking the bay to take in the fireworks...Declan managed to sleep thru the booms and the ooohs and the aaahs. We made our way back to the cafe after the finale for a little homegrown pyrotechnic display...

We carried on into the wee small hours of the night, with all sorts of revelry...including tree climbing and a dance-off!!

We sadly left town the morning of the Fifth, but we were refreshed by the love of our friends and the renewal of the community that is Cafe Mundo...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

July 1st

This is what makes me happy on the 1st of every month.

Check it out. A reminder of the brilliancy of David Byrne monthly.

If you know how to record live stream on the mac, please fill me in.